Technology Used By Sjain Ventures.

Bob Dumbre
2 min readDec 28, 2019


Sjain ventures is leading IT company that has specialized in Innovate Digital and Expertise services. Creating Innovative apps & web services by using different types of technology’s like C++,Java, Python, Android, Node-JS,PHP,iOS etc. let’s brief you about the technology’s used at Sjain.


Python is the fastest growing program among all of the programs .It is interpreted, high level, general purpose programming language used for mathematics, system scripting, Web development, software development it has syntax that allows developers to write program in fewer lines. Python uses new lines to complete commands as compared to other programming language which often uses semicolon. Basically it emphasizes the code that will lead to the formation of new app with brilliant functioning and creativity. Python is easy to learn it shows both codes and results and also multithreaded technology that means it performs many processes at one time simultaneously. It also used in Machine learning and datascience technology.

Android Development

For Android Development Java programming is used for coding and XML for designing purpose coding length depends upon the type of project on which we are working. Some of the apps created by Sjain are Trippy, Prism Medical, knowledge cafe, Sayarra, Bhanji Bhai. Web services formed by PHP used for backend to Support the android app.


It includes node package manager for working purpose because it requires node-JS environmental setup. It is single threaded that means only one process working at a time it is backend technique. The working of node -JS is Asynchronized it does not wait for any other process if it is taking time to run. It includes technologies like react.JS and electron.JS etc.


PHP is server scripting language and Powerful tool for making interactive Webpages. Frameworks of PHP are Code ignitor,Laravel,Joomila. Database used here is MYSQL that is backend and HTML, CSS, Bootstrap is front end view. Java script is used is used for animation and effect.ASAX is used so that website work without refreshing.


It is World’s most powerful mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc.exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently used in all Apple mobile devices like iPhone, iPad and iPod and Sjain excels in iOS Development

By using these different types of programming languages Sjain has created over 300+ apps and 400+ Web services by using innovative ideas. There are 1,100+ clients in 25 countries.Sjain is having 10 years of experience with 150+ employees.




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